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Update on EV chargepoint installations - May 2024

Thank you to everyone who’s taken the time to suggest locations for EV chargepoints in Surrey. This information has been passed to our installation partner, Connected Kerb, and the sites are being assessed for suitability.  

It’s really helpful for us to know where there’s demand for EV chargepoints, so we can focus on installing them in locations where we know they’ll be used. Our EV chargepoints installation programme is designed to support people with the switch to electric vehicles by providing convenient places to charge, especially for people who are not able to install a chargepoint at home.  

Not all the locations suggested will be suitable, but we will assess them all and work with other public sector partners where locations have been suggested that are not on land we own, for example local car parks that are often owned by district and borough councils. As a reminder we’re looking for locations that: 

  • Are likely to be in an area near to residential properties, especially those that don’t have off street parking.  

  • Where a car can be parked safely and legally, such as existing permitted on-street parking or in car parks. 

  • Where there is enough pavement space to install the chargepoint without hindering people in wheelchairs or people with buggies – ideally at least 2m pavement width.  

  • Near access to a power supply, as this will be needed to install the chargepoint.  

Progress to date 

So far we’ve installed over 180 chargepoints across Surrey and we’re continuing with our programme to install hundreds more over the coming years.  

Posted on 22nd May 2024

by Surrey County Council